Dharma Transmitted Priest
Rev. Russell Kyofu Seikyo Mitchell is a Certified Safety Professional. He is also a Technical Fellow of the International System Safety Society Inc., and currently serves as Immediate Past President of the Society. Russ is a Dharma transmitted priest in the Clear Mind School of Zen having studied under Shoji Roshi. Russ has studied in the Open Mind School of Zen under Fusho Roshi since 2012 and received Dharma transmission in that lineage in 2022. Russ teaches mindful awareness as a critical element in the practice of system safety and industrial/occupational safety as well as meditation within corporate environments. Russ is accepting traditional Zen students for Priest progression, koan students, and lay students. Weekly zoom meetings held on Tuesdays, provide a backbone of sangha support for his students.
- Russell’s Open Mind Zen Contact Info