Dharma Transmitted Priest
Timothy Bassui Moran is a 45-year-old married father of five who lives in Rockford, Illinois. He has a Master’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering but has never entered the field and instead has had a number of careers which includes external medical devices prototyping, ice cream machine design, natural gas compressors design, and managing the design of fleet salt spreaders. He is currently in the process of creating his own Engineering services company. His first experience with Buddhism and Zen was reading Brad Warner’s Hardcore Zen. Everyone has that one eye opening experience and that was his. His first meditation experiences occurred at a local Theravada temple. An inability to attend the Theravada temple’s schedule led to an extended period of sitting by himself. Several years later, he joined several Facebook groups in order to gain a better understanding of Zen and connect with like-minded individuals. In 2016, he took part in the Kie San Bo ceremony with Clear Mind Zen and was given the dharma name of Bassui. Later that year he also took part in the Jukai ceremony and in 2017 became an Unsui under John Shoji Sorensen. Since that time, he has been leading a small group of meditators every Saturday morning at the local Unitarian Universalist church. He received transmission in 2020.