Unsui Priest
Rev. KaiUn, Luis Lista, has studied Buddhism since he was 14 years old, when first entering a Buddhist Temple following a Vietnamese girl he had fallen for. He is a Portuguese married man living in Belgium with his wife and two kids. A social worker and a specialist in education. He ordained as a Priest (Dharma Teacher) in 2011 (as Yaoxin Shakya) and was received as a Transmitted Head Priest (Chan Teacher) in the Linji Lineage of the Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun (founded by WeiMiao JyDin Shakya) in 2015. He founded “Dharma Winds Zen Sangha” (dharmawindszensangha.org) in September 2015. KaiUn also had the pleasure to study Korean Zen as a Formal Student of Venerable Wonji Dharma. Venerable Wonji sadly entered emptiness unexpectedly in December 2021. In January 2022, KaiUn continued his study of Wonji’s Dharma with one of Ven. Wonji’s main Transmitted Heirs, Tim Jinhye Songdo Langdell, (Ryuko Sensei). In October 2022, following a long-lasting link with the Zen Dharma of Matsuoka Roshi, and a deep spiritual brotherhood with Ryuko Landgell Sensei, he entered Priest Training in Matsuoka Roshi’s Soto Zen lineage through Landgell Sensei, receiving Unsui Priest Ordination as Rev. KaiUn. KaiUn’s Dharma Winds Zen Hermitage, in Belgium, is an affiliated group of Ryuko Landgell’s StillCenter Zen, Pasadena (itself affiliated to the Order of Clear Mind Zen).